all  /  test_assets
Thumbnail xforms_nested
Thumbnail weird_matrix_transform
Thumbnail simple_transform
Thumbnail scopes_and_xforms_nested
Thumbnail matrix_transform
Thumbnail complex_transform
Thumbnail sphere
Thumbnail cylinder
Thumbnail cube
Thumbnail cone
Thumbnail capsule
Thumbnail all_primitives
Thumbnail triangles
Thumbnail subdiv_none
Thumbnail subdiv_loop_triangles
Thumbnail subdiv_loop_quads
Thumbnail subdiv_catmullClark
Thumbnail subdiv_bilinear
Thumbnail singleSided
Thumbnail quads
Thumbnail pointsTypes
Thumbnail normalsTypes
Thumbnail mixed
Thumbnail empty
Thumbnail doubleSided_quad
Thumbnail 5_face
Thumbnail zero_extent
Thumbnail scaled_extent
Thumbnail regular_extent
Thumbnail no_extent
Thumbnail inverse_extent
Thumbnail upAxis_Z
Thumbnail upAxis_Y
Thumbnail timeCodesPerSecond_48
Thumbnail timeCodesPerSecond_24
Thumbnail timeCodesPerSecond_128
Thumbnail timeCodesPerSecond_101
Thumbnail timeCodesPerSecond_100
Thumbnail timeCodesPerSecond_1
Thumbnail timeCodesPerSecond_-1
Thumbnail start_end_timeCodes_swapped
Thumbnail start_end_timeCodes_superset
Thumbnail start_end_timeCodes_subset
Thumbnail negative_start_end_timeCodes
Thumbnail missing_start_end_timeCodes
Thumbnail missing_startTimeCode
Thumbnail missing_endTimeCode
Thumbnail large_start_end_timeCodes
Thumbnail multiple_root_prims_with_defaultPrim
Thumbnail metersPerUnit_mix
Thumbnail metersPerUnit_10
Thumbnail metersPerUnit_1
Thumbnail 48_48
Thumbnail 48_24
Thumbnail 24_48
Thumbnail 24_24
Thumbnail framesPerSecond_48
Thumbnail framesPerSecond_24
Thumbnail framesPerSecond_128
Thumbnail framesPerSecond_101
Thumbnail framesPerSecond_100
Thumbnail framesPerSecond_1
Thumbnail purpose
Thumbnail over
Thumbnail inherit_and_specialize
Thumbnail class_inherit
Thumbnail active
Thumbnail _parent_stage
Thumbnail sublayer_same_folder
Thumbnail sublayer_parent_folder
Thumbnail sublayer_invalid
Thumbnail sublayer_child_folder
Thumbnail _stage
Thumbnail _child_stage
Thumbnail reference_prim_in_same_file
Thumbnail reference_prim_in_other_file
Thumbnail _stage
Thumbnail reference_same_folder
Thumbnail reference_parent_folder
Thumbnail reference_invalid
Thumbnail reference_child_folder
Thumbnail _stage
Thumbnail _child_stage
Thumbnail payload_same_folder
Thumbnail payload_parent_folder
Thumbnail payload_invalid
Thumbnail payload_child_folder
Thumbnail _stage
Thumbnail _child_stage
Thumbnail teapot
Thumbnail axis
Thumbnail animated_cube_translation
Thumbnail RiggedSimple
Thumbnail RiggedFigure
Thumbnail InterpolationTest
Thumbnail DamagedHelmet
Thumbnail CesiumMan
Thumbnail BrainStem
Thumbnail BoxAnimated
Thumbnail AnimatedTriangle
Thumbnail AnimatedCube
Thumbnail TextureTransformTest
Thumbnail TextureCoordinateTest
Thumbnail RoughnessTest
Thumbnail SublayeredInternalReferenceTest
Thumbnail ReferencedAssembliesWithInternalReferencesTest
Thumbnail InternalReferenceTest
Thumbnail ExternalReferenceBadTargetTest
Thumbnail Environment
Thumbnail hardware.shading
Thumbnail hardware.modeling
Thumbnail InternalReferenceUnencapsulatedPrototypes
Thumbnail InternalReferenceEncapsulatedPrototypes
Thumbnail washer
Thumbnail bolt
Thumbnail NormalsTextureBiasAndScale
Thumbnail basic_flatten
Thumbnail basicTextured_flatten
Thumbnail basicTextured
Thumbnail basic
Thumbnail AlphaBlendSortTest
Thumbnail Geometry_8
Thumbnail Geometry_7
Thumbnail AlphaBlendModeTest

USD Assets Working Group

This repository contains examples of USD assets provided under the umbrella of the ASWF USD WG. Our objective is to foster information exchange within the USD community regarding USD asset import/export, asset structure, testing, and schema design. The overarching goal of this group is to bolster the U of USD.

The GitHub repository is only half the story: much of the value this working group provides is in the monthly sync where folks present schema, discuss asset/pipeline problems, and share plans for this repository — please consider joining!

What’s in this Repo?

The repository is roughly structure into three buckets: documentation, test assets, and full assets.

Documentation: A collection of markdown docs and educational assets designed for education and common practices for asset design.

Test Assets: Test assets are intended to be used as unit tests and include docs and screenshots. Correct and intentionally malformed assets are included in this collection. Schema-specific assets are designed to aid developers in correctly handling various USD schema. It’s often unclear exactly how a specific schema should be imported or exported based on the schema docs alone and the unit tests provided by the schema typically don’t include written descriptions of intent or reference images to show how a given asset should appear.

Full Assets: The full_assets folder contains examples of assets that you might find in the wild, in terms of their structure, but are still limited in terms of file size. The largest “full asset” at the time of this writing is 30mb.

image (Full asset example: StandardShaderBall)


If you’d like to get involved to contribute, discuss schema, or just generally talk about USD assets, please reach out on slack or join our monthly sync:

Submitting a New Asset

Before submitting, take a look at an existing asset. A well formed example should include a read me doc with license, a screenshot and comments on how the asset is intended to be used and common issues to avoid.

A minimal schema test asset should include one representative asset per USD schema, with qualitative & quantitative descriptions, along with screenshots of what the asset should look like when correctly imported and exported. In addition, the readme page should offer high-level guidance on round-trip concerns or common issues specific to the schema.

Why ASWF USD Assets and ASWF DPEL Assets?

The Digital Production Example Library (DPEL) is for production assets of all data formats, where the USD Assets group is purely for USD assets, which are explicitly small and/or educational (very much NOT production assets).

Even Moar USD Assets

The USD Assets repository is limited to small assets designed for testing, validation, and learning; the external links we’ve collected below are larger assets more representative of something in a real production, which can be useful for scale testing or learning how a large pipeline is designed.

If you have suggestions for this list, please open a GitHub issue and share a link!

Notable Asset Stores with USD Content

Tutorial Assets, Blogs & Videos


Each asset has a license declared in the readme, typically CC0 or something highly permissive. Everything else is provided under the repository license.

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