all  /  full_assets  / ElephantWithMonochord  / SoC-ElephantWithMonochord .usdc

Songs of Cultures – Vietnamese Elephant with Monochord


Video with Audio


NVidia Omniverse CREATE: skeletal hierarchies and UsdAudio spatial audio

QuickLook / Augmented Reality

Open this page on iOS and click on the image:
On Mac OS, if you download the file it can be viewed with audio directly from Finder.


This production model is designed for Augmented Reality playback via Apple’s QuickLook.
It contains both Skeletal Animation on two meshes (elephant and monochord) as well as UsdAudio data.


The model uses the same texture for diffuseColor and emission. This creates an apperance of being “unlit”, with no actual Unlit shading model currently being available in QuickLook.

Problem: Audio plays faster/slower

Some viewers ignore audio bitrate and instead assume a specific bitrate. The MP3 used here is an 48KHz file; QuickLook always assumes 48KHz, so 44.1KHz files will play incorrectly.

Problem: Only one mesh plays skeletal animation

usdview: The monochord doesn’t play the correct skinned animation.

Known Issue: Bounds calculations

This model may have incorrect extents. Some viewers may calculate new mesh bounds from the actual skinned data / bones, others may use the provided extents data and thus show only a small part by default.

usdview: Extents leading to wrong start view. Note the small displayed box gizmo in the center of the model.

License Information

This asset has been kindly donated by A.MUSE – Interactive Design Studio from their project Songs of Cultures.
USDZ version by Felix Herbst / prefrontal cortex

“Songs of Cultures – Vietnamese Elephant with Monochord” by A.MUSE – Interactive Design Studio is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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